Mga Sista, Tara Usap Utang!

Let's Talk Debt, Sisters!

Uy mga momshies, alam nyo ba yung feeling na nakakabili ka ng bagong bag na pang-hatid kay bunso, pero parang may sumasakit sa bulsa mo? (Do you know that feeling when you buy a new bag for your little one, but your wallet feels a little lighter?)

It might be because of that sneaky little monster called utang (debt)!

We see it everywhere these days - "Buy Now, Pay Later!" "Easy Installment!" "Sagot na ng Sahod!" (Covered by your salary!) These sound like magical solutions, right? ✨ 

Card Payment GIF by CCV

Gif by CCV_International on Giphy

But hold your horses, mga sis! Sometimes, these deals can be like cotton candy - fluffy and tempting at first, pero sandali lang, sarap na! (but the sweetness fades quickly!)

Why? Because hidden in those "easy" payments are interest rates that can grow faster than your chiquiting's height! Before you know it, you're paying double, or even triple, for that cute gadget or trendy dress.

Yikes! That extra cash could have been for groceries, pampering, or even a family outing!

Here's the good news, mga momshies: We can be debt-busters! This newsletter will be your battle cry against utang! We'll share tips on budgeting, saving, and saying "no" to those tempting offers.

We'll also show you how to turn those utang into a distant memory and free up some cash for the things that truly matter!

I also have utang (But not for long!)

Oo naman, mga momshies, I know what you're thinking.

Kathy, you preach about financial planning and all, yet here you are drowning in credit card debt?

Believe me, I get it. I used to be a sworn enemy of plastic money, but life throws curveballs, right?

Then came the pandemic. Stuck in Vietnam for two and a half years, longing to be back home with my family? Getting a flight back during those crazy times wasn't exactly a budget airline special.

We're talking half a million pesos just to get our little family back to familiar shores!

Who wouldn't tap their credit card in that situation? ✋ 

Let's be honest, even the most responsible saver would have flinched at that price tag.

So, yeah, that's how I ended up with this credit card debt that's been following me around like a clingy ex. But here's the thing, mga sis: I refuse to let it win! This year is all about saying goodbye to utang and hello to financial freedom!

Now, I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. Climbing out of debt takes work. But guess what? It's SO doable, and trust me, the feeling of being debt-free is sweeter than halo-halo on a scorching summer day!

Alright, let’s jump in on how we can get rid of our utang for good!

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Let's Get This Utang Outta Here!

Okay, mga besties, so you're ready to say goodbye to utang for good? Here's our battle plan! This might sound strict, but trust me, it'll get us to financial freedom faster, and that feeling will be AMAZING! ✨

🪖 Step 1: Building Your War Chest ️

Before we go full warrior mode on utang, let's create a safety net. If you don't have an emergency fund yet, let's sock away 20% of your income for unexpected expenses. Think of it as a superhero cape that protects you from future financial woes!

The remaining 80% will be divided into three buckets:

  • Needs (50%): This covers everything essential - rent/mortgage, groceries, utilities, etc. No splurging here, mga sis! Think "adulting essentials" not "adulting indulgence."

  • Debt Repayment (30%): This is our war paint! Dedicate a hefty chunk of your income to tackling those pesky debts. The faster you pay them off, the less interest you cough up later.

  • Discretionary Spending (0%): Hold on, where'd the "treat yo' self" money go? Don't worry, it's not gone forever! For now, let's put a temporary freeze on non-essentials. Think of it as a training montage - gotta focus on getting strong (financially) first!

Step 2: Level Up Your Savings Game! 🐖 

Once you've saved at least P50,000 for emergencies, let's adjust our spending plan:

  • Savings (10%): We've built a solid safety net, so we can ease off a bit on emergency savings.

  • Debt Repayment (30%): Keep this warrior spirit strong! The more you pay towards your debt, the closer you are to financial freedom.

  • Discretionary Spending (10%): You deserve a reward for your hard work, mga sis! Treat yourself to something small, like a movie night or a relaxing massage. Remember, it's about progress, not perfection!

  • Needs (50%): Of course, your essential expenses are still a top priority.

Step 3: Conquering Your Utang One by One! ⚔️

Now, let's tackle those debts head-on! Here's the strategy:

  • Less than P50,000 Debt? Go for the Quick Wins! Focus on paying off the debt with the smallest amount first. Seeing it disappear will give you a confidence boost and keep you motivated!

  • Over P50,000 Debt? Target the Interest Monsters First! Prioritize paying off the debt with the highest interest rate. Those sneaky interest charges are what make your debt snowball, so eliminating them first saves you money in the long run!

Step 4: Remember, Utang is the Enemy, Not You! ❤️‍🔥 

It's tempting to fall back into debt, especially with all those "buy now, pay later" offers. But remember, mga sis, we're warriors on a mission! Stick to your budget and resist the urge to swipe that plastic.

Bonus Tip: Track Your Progress!

Seeing your debt getting smaller is a huge motivator! Keep track of your progress using a notebook, app, or even a simple chart on the fridge. Every peso paid off is a victory lap!

Together, mga momshies, we can win this battle against utang! This newsletter will be your guide, with budgeting tips, saving strategies, and even some "adulting hacks" to help you stay on track. Let's conquer our finances, one step at a time! See you next week!

Enjoyed this week’s newsletter?

Feeling empowered to conquer utang after this week's newsletter?

Pay it forward, mga besties! (If you found this helpful, please forward it to your friends and family who might be struggling with debt too! We're all in this together!) 

Sharing is caring, and who knows, you might just inspire someone else to take control of their finances!

Speaking of taking control, here at Preggy to Mommy, we're always looking for ways to help you manage your family finances better. That's why we're thinking of building an all-in-one family finance app!

But before we get started, we need your input!

What features would make your financial life as a momshie easier?

Is it a budget tracker that helps you categorize expenses like a pro? Maybe a goal-setting tool to visualize your dream vacation or your child's college fund? Perhaps you'd love an easy way to track your family's bills and due dates?

Let us know your thoughts by replying to this email! The more feedback we get, the better we can tailor this app to your specific needs.

Remember, mga sis, we're on this journey towards financial freedom together! So let's share our experiences, support each other, and build a future where utang doesn't stand a chance!

All the love and support,


or to participate.